Simply earn more with the before-after-WOW-effect and fullfill your dream easily as a consultant of Dr. Juchheim Cosmetics.


The Dr. Juchheim business model

Our successful business model allows you at free timing to earn good money above average and to enjoy exactly the live in financial freedom that you have ever dreamt of.

Our exclusive effect cosmetic line, promising an explosively rejouvenation within a few minutes, enthusiates more and more customers every day around the world.

A rejouvenanted skin appearance, voluminous lips, radiant eyes and amazing line and wrinkle reduction, reduction of cellulite and much more provide instant results with longterm effect. You as a consultant of Dr. Juchheim Cosmetics can show this effect everywhere and immediately to everybody. You certainly will amaze interested people with the before-after-WOW-effect and delight them with joy about their new „me“.

Unique advantages:

Every day new customers without sales talk in a few minutes - also online: take a "before"-picture with your smartphone of wrinkles, cellulite and small lips and simply hand over the Dr. Juchheim effect cosmetic, wait after application for a few minutes, take an "after"-picture and be delighted together with your customers about the before-after-WOW-effect which will give you recommendations day by day.

Your customers order comfortably in their own online-shop, which means to you: no stock-keeping, invoicing, collection, etc. Of course, you enjoy customer protection.

Once your customer, always your customer for monthly increasing income at free timing. Attracting commissions for pure joy of life are guaranteed for your with our profit plan. For your success we will, of course, provide you with everything necessary.

Our promise: You are successful. Independent from your present occupational situation and education. If you love people and life, you are wellcome. Everything you need is only one click away with the consultant starter-set

Start as a Dr. Jucheim Consultant